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Copado for Test Automation Engineers

Convert manual tests into automated test scripts with Copado Robotic Testing.

Test Automation Engineer
Test Automation Engineer
Copado for Test Automation Engineers
How Does Copado Help Test Automation Engineers Optimize Deployment Quality?

How Does Copado Help Test Automation Engineers Optimize Deployment Quality?

Identify gaps and defects to satisfy requirements and tap into the power of AI to help QA keep pace with Salesforce development.

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Automate Salesforce Testing Across Lightning & Classic

Automate Salesforce Testing Across Lightning & Classic

Build comprehensive and repeatable resilient tests to fulfill functional requirements with UI, API, integrations and regression test suites.

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Generate Test Cases with Test Copilot

Generate Test Cases with Test Copilot

Leverage AI to convert manual tests, Selenium scripts and user story requirements into automated test scripts.

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Convert Explorations into Automation

Convert Explorations into Automation

Harness the power of Copado Explorer to translate explorations into ready-to-use code snippets for test automation.

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Make Mobile Testing Easy

Replicate end user actions and document bugs to make mobile testing just as easy as web testing.

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Outpace Development and Make Sure Apps Meet User Expectations

Everything you need to uncover detrimental risks and improve product quality — on one DevOps platform.

Generate Test Cases with CopadoGPT

Translate manual test steps, Selenium scripts and user story requirements into Robotic test cases with CopadoGPT.

Generate Test Cases with CopadoGPT
Automate your colleagues’ manual tests

Automate your colleagues’ manual tests

Collaborate with your colleagues and quickly edit and turn their manually-generated test scripts into automated regression tests.

Low-Code Functionality for Business Testers

Anyone can standardize testing and quickly author automated tests with the Visual Recorder, Flow Editor and natural language keywords.

Low-Code Functionality for Business Testers
Advanced Test Authoring via ExtendedLlibraries

Advanced Test Authoring via ExtendedLlibraries

Build end-to-end tests with the QEditor script view or directly in VS Code for ultimate technical control.

Helping Propic Reduce Testing Hours by 375%

The Copado Robotic Testing support team and community is incredible. They are always there for QA testers like me whenever we need our questions answered. I am happy about my decision to choose Copado Robotic Testing and I would certainly recommend all testers to use Copado Robotic Testing.

Manju Janarthanan, Head of QA, Propic


Hours Saved per Salesforce Release


Reduction in Rework

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