With Copado, you can create a deployment from different records, such as the Deployments tab, User Story, and Promotion Record. In this video, you will learn how to create a deployment from a promotion record. Learn more: https://success.copado.com/s/learning-plan-detail-standard?ltui__urlRecordId=a970N000000c6tyQAA<ui__urlRedirect=learning-plan-detail-standard
With Copado, you can create a deployment from different records, such as the Deployments tab, User Story, and Promotion Record. In this video, you will learn how to create a deployment from a promotion record. Learn more: https://success.copado.com/s/learning-plan-detail-standard?ltui__urlRecordId=a970N000000c6tyQAA<ui__urlRedirect=learning-plan-detail-standard
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